An Eagle Blind

An Eagle Blind

Available on the 28th September, 2024

The remote baroque palace of GOLIGHTLY; ‘2.5 miles to the nearest village . . .’ somewhere in northern England, has a ‘bewitching’ effect on people, not the least LORNA who rashly takes part in an experimental séance there apparently triggering a series of strange and violent events.

Has she released something evil? Is it a set of freakish coincidences, or is she playacting to hide a past which is gradually catching up with her?

Can down-to-earth journalist partner CHAS bring some sense to the situation? As the two of them work to rescue Lorna’s beleaguered life and find out the truth they uncover shattering realities.

Escape From The Temple

Escape from the temple

Available on the 28th September, 2023

To farmer JEAN FOURNIER, the prehistoric burial mound of LE VIEUX VICENTE is a special place to go and just dream. According to his elder brother JOSEPH, it’s “a waste of good farming land and should be dug up,” yet he secretly fears it to the point of phobia. Their sister HELENE tries to mediate between her brothers, but she also is drawn to Le Vieux Vicente and worries that its influence is taking over their lives.

It’s 1940 on the west coast of France, and when the Nazis invade, they too take an unfathomable interest in the ancient tumulus.

As the three siblings each engage in their different struggles to survive the German occupation, the family divisions, the deceit, and the paranoia, can they overcome the silent enemy, the power of the mound?

A story of the love between three siblings set against the backdrop of the Nazi occupation of France leading to a violent climax as the Allies liberate the northwest coast.

Architecture York

Architecture York

Published on the 28th January, 2022

You live in York UK, you’re thinking of paying a visit, or you just like buildings? Then this new work from John Brooke Fieldhouse is a must have!

It’s a guide book. But it’s completely different, it’s not what you’d expect from the city of Vikings, Romans, the medieval, the Civil War, the Georgians, and the Victorians. It’s about the twentieth century and later – right up to 2018. Its buildings – public and private - how they’re designed, engineered, lit, heated, ventilated...and not just buildings, there are 130 plus items, including bridges, a flood barrier, details like windows, seating, handrails, landscaping, paving, all the things we touch when we move through a city, the things that make us feel good or bad.

It’s 320 pages, 360 colour photographs, fifteen pages of indexes and an introduction, consisting of unsentimental and unvarnished answers by the author to over 30 questions on the book and York. Answering questions and always asking more. It’s not just the past, it’s all about the present and the future. We spend most of our lives in buildings, they are art, science, psychology and politics so it’s essential we all have our own view about them. Tags might include; UK cities – provincial towns and cities - modernism - historic cities – environment - social culture – urban and suburban culture - social change - public transport systems – climate change.

“A snapshot through the seeing eye,” past president of York Civic Trust

“Exudes the deep knowledge and enthusiasm of its author, a good excuse for a trip to York.” The UK c20th Society.

The Hidden Apartment and Other Stories

The Hidden Apartment and Other Stories

Published on the 28th August, 2020

From the author of The Gilded Ones come five short stories about people and buildings - with a difference. The Hidden Apartment and Other Stories contains twenty-four images that counterpoint the colour, mood and meaning concealed in the written worlds. The images are real, but, like the stories, they are not what they first appear to be.

FRACTAL and CASSIE, MO and COLIN, HEREWARD and SWEETSMILE, RORY and TRISTA are fictional. Their relationships take place in a world which is sometimes surreal, occasionally humorous, always disconcerting - even disorientating.

The Hidden Apartment and Other Stories is a fusion of live interior design with two-dimensional painting. Full of spatial ambiguities, always fascinating.

The Gilded Ones

The Gilded Ones

Published on the 28th August, 2018

One hot day in 1984 intuitive designer PULSE attends two job interviews. The first with a busy mainstream company, the second – arranged through coincidence – is with an apparently deserted practice located in an old house resembling an eccentric gentleman’s club, and owned by PATRICK LLOYD-LEWIS whose wife FREIA has recently died in unexplained circumstances.

Patrick is attended by LAUREN his mysterious downtrodden administrator who Patrick hints is a baroness. There is a suggestion of psychological abuse in their relationship. Pulse is offered both jobs that day, but on catching sight of a photograph of Patrick’s late wife realises that this is the woman whose death he dreamt of the previous night.

He feels compelled to take the job with Patrick, and solve the riddle of Freia’s death. Was Patrick responsible for her death, and can Pulse stop him before he murders again?

After The Bombardment

A short story published on fictionontheweb and one of 54 out of 1000 selected to be published in The Best Fiction on the Web by Charlie Fish

Read more short Stories by Brooke Fieldhouse